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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Notice of Liability?
A Notice of Liability (NoL) is a formal written document sent in response to a harmful offer. It is a private contract negotiation that makes use of the same principles which are used by corporations and governments to get you to agree to offers, even though these may not always look like offers.
InPower developed the NoL process so that you can lawfully and honorably respond to certain harmful offers you receive:
• Offers to install so-called “smart meters”
• Offers to put up 5G networks in your neighbourhood
• Offers to inject so-called “vaccines”
The NoL is your good-faith effort to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement, a meeting of the minds regarding the offer presented to you. InPower designed the NoL so that you can remain in honor as you come to agreement.
When you send an NoL, it informs the recipients that they appear to be involved in something that causes harm to you and those you care about. Once they receive your NoL, they can no longer claim they did not know they were causing harm.
The NoL process creates a contract which is effective in addressing the “offers” of smart meters, 5G, and vaccines in a profound, honorable, and redemptive manner.

What is the benefit of sending a Notice of Liability?
By sending an NoL, you are putting officials and executives on notice that they are causing harm towards you and your loved ones and that you do not agree to it. In the world we live in, we are constantly being bombarded with offers by government and corporations. If we stay silent, we are agreeing to the offer. This is known as tacit agreement.
By sending an NoL we are letting the recipient know that we do not agree, and advising that we will hold them accountable if they continue with their actions.

I’m not familiar with writing documents, how difficult is the process?
There are lots of resources to guide you through each step of preparing your documents, and the documents themselves have been pre-written and are generated automatically.
The process as a whole is mostly automated, apart from submitting your own evidence about the men and women you want to hold accountable. When you join, you will have access to plenty of support from the InPower team, lots of educational resources and instructions, and a whole community of other members available to help with any questions you may have.

How can I start using the Notice of Liability?
To begin the Notice of Liability (NoL) process, join our membership community at
As a member, you will be able to study the NoL. Many men and women report that when they consider every word put forth in the document and allow it to really sink in, something inside of them changes. As they sow their time and energy into these truths, they come to walk in the fullness of authority that is actually already theirs.
This exhilarating experience is even better when shared with others. Something amazing happens when people help one another, and discuss and grow together. On the membership site, you will be able to connect with others in your area and share knowledge and resources.
In addition to gaining access to all NoL processes currently available in your country, you will find clear instructions for using the NoL Creator to start your own NoL process and have access to support from the InPower team throughout the entirety of your process.

Is there support as I go through the NoL process?
Yes, support is available to you through our InPower Community platform. We would like to help everyone who wants to send the Notice of Liability (NoL), however, we have found that to do this effectively, a membership community is needed to facilitate a working relationship between you, the InPower team, and those in your local area.
Moving through the NoL process with a group of others is very helpful and carries the added benefits of friends working together, shared knowledge and resources (e.g., witnesses and notaries), and reduced mailing costs.
We also have some volunteers and longtime members who have successfully led groups through the NoL process and can assist newly-forming groups.
We do our best to answer inquiries from non-members as quickly as possible, though please note that we are volunteers and have limited resources at the moment.
To get involved immediately, please consider joining our InPower Community platform. Membership involves "giving back," so we do ask that everyone bring something of value to help build a secure digital presence for this worldwide grassroots movement. A minimal donation of $15 per month will give you access to the InPower Community platform.

Who is eligible to do the NoL?
If there are Notices of Liability (NoLs) available for your country and you are of sound mind and old enough to enter into a contract, you can do an NoL. In most countries, the age of majority is 18.
The NoL process is for those who want be part of a greater solution benefiting mankind as a whole.
If you are ready to reclaim your authority as a man or woman, and are willing to invest the time and energy needed, then the NoL is for you.
This process does require some study. We recommend that you become a member so that you can read the NoL more than once and review our support materials for a deeper understanding of this process.
To join, go to

Are there NoLs available for other causes?
Yes! The first InPower Notice of Liability (NoL) was created specifically to address and resolve the problems of trespassing technology with electric, gas, and water smart meters. It has since been adapted for three additional causes: mandatory vaccinations, wireless radiation (5G), and geoengineering.
Each NoL must take into account the unique history, languages, laws, and other conditions native to its country. The Notice of Liability for Trespassing Technology is usually the first NoL to be adapted in a country.
InPower’s adaptation process requires that the NoL be created with the input of people from the country with some knowledge of the agenda and the history and basic laws of that country. Without this specialized experience, InPower could not support these adaptations.
If you would like to view a sample of the UK NoL for Trespassing Technology (smart meters), please join the InPower Community platform. You will also have access to NoLs specific to the following causes:
Smart Meters
Smart communities are saying no to smart meters. Whether you are concerned about safety, privacy, or your overall health, you have the right to decline or replace a smart meter on your home, apartment, or office building. This was our first cause and has the highest worldwide participation and a number of success stories.
5G Technology
As wireless technology improves from a data transmission standpoint, the amount of radiation exposure to people, animals, insects, and building structures also increases. While it may seem that you cannot control the installation of these high-powered transmitters, communities are banding together to halt 5G roll-outs and reduce their exposure.
Doctors, nurses, and parents want safe vaccines and better health outcomes for their communities. But regardless of whether you have ethical or religious-based concerns over vaccine ingredients or development, the ever-increasing number of vaccines on the childhood schedule (more than 80 doses in the United States), or whether you are facing workplace vaccine mandates, you should have a choice.
So-called weather modification to reduce "climate change" is just another weapon that is being used in concert with the other agendas. Aerosols contain, among other things, metal particulates and nanoparticles that are breathed in to be targeted by the 5G weapon system. Storms, earthquakes, and other seemingly natural phenomena are also being controlled and utilized as weapons.

How is the NoL process different from other approaches to remedy the "smart" grid problem and other harmful agendas?
The InPower Notice of Liability (NoL), also known as the Notice of Liability process, is a mass action undertaken by a man or woman protecting his or her rights and enforcing the liability of those who are causing or facilitating harm. It is a powerful, lawful remedy utilizing fundamental law and the rules of commerce to turn the tables on the individuals who have been hiding behind corporations (including corporate governments) as they inflict for-profit harm upon men, women, and children.
The NoL is a comprehensive, multi-round process, based upon sending a series of notices—written templates created by InPower and customized for each participant—which establish a framework for contractually-enforceable, individual liability.
Over the past several years, we’ve seen that other traditional legal approaches, complaints, and appeals have failed to achieve success because of apparent multilayered, systemic corruption and collusion. Those causing the harm are simply ignoring the complainants.
In contrast, the NoL process enables participants to access and reclaim their full unalienable rights, and uses the corporate system's own rules against it to establish corporate and individual liability.
For example, in the case of "smart" meters, utilities are essentially changing the terms of their service contracts with each customer without full disclosure of harm. They are also using "implied consent" to assume that a customer agrees—even if the customer says that they do not agree but uses an "incorrect" method of communication (according to ancient commercial process).
The organization and individuals seeking to change their contract with you must have your consent to that change. If you do not respond honorably to their "offer," you can be seen to have tacitly agreed to the new contract.
With "smart" meters, for example, the company offers you a "smart" meter by giving notice. That notice could be a letter, a flyer included with your bill, or a newspaper article discussing the wonderful new technology that will allow you to see how much power you are using day-to-day. It could even be a notice or a discussion of the technology on the company's website.
Our Notice of Liability recognizes that a utility's desire to install a "smart" meter is a contractual offer, which we conditionally accept in a written notice—provided they can disprove our affidavit (a document that we verify as true), point-by-point, with an affidavit of their own. If they cannot do so, then our affidavit and terms stand as fact, and each man or women (Respondent) who receives our NoL is individually subject to the terms of our conditional acceptance (counteroffer).
These terms include a per-day fee schedule in a dollar amount of your choosing (as you have the power to create terms) when they move into violation of your terms by failing to remove smart meters at or near your dwelling and workplace. These amounts are binding, because the Respondents are unable to disprove the statements made in the NoL or the facts used in the affidavit because your facts are true and verifiable, whereas their propaganda is not.
The NoL process implements Contract Law, Common Law, Commercial Law (Uniform Commercial Code), and Law Merchant. It is multi-faceted and operates in multiple jurisdictions, including spiritual. The NoL is based upon a higher level of understanding of how this system has been created, how it operates, and how each of us can effectively operate within it once we understand it.
If you would like to send an NoL to the authorities and corporate executives in your area (for smart meters, mandatory vaccinations, 5G and other wireless radiation, or geoengineering) please join our InPower Community platform. You will have access to any of the NoLs available for your country, plus educational materials and a supportive community.

How many people are already using the Notice of Liability?
Because we released the Notice of Liability (NoL) as a free download several years ago, it is difficult to know exactly who and how many people are using the documents. We simply have no way of knowing all the men and women who have committed to this process.
With the InPower Community platform we are now able to record the NoL processes initiated and completed by every claimant. Everyone who generates their documents through our website will have access to InPower support, education, and liquidation strategies.
In the beginning stages of our online presence, we were overwhelmed with worldwide interest in this revolutionary remedy. The InPower Community platform has alleviated this challenge and provides the ability to effectively support the growing demand to hold public officials and corporate executives liable for trespassing technology and other harms.
We currently have thousands of members on the InPower Community platform, with hundreds having started NoL processes since the launch of our new website and semi-automatic document creator in September 2022.

How do I know that the NoL process is worthwhile? What is the success rate?
This process of holding public officials liable for trespassing technology has never been done before, but it is having an enormous impact on those who are being served the Notice of Liability (NoL). Since 2015, a number of public officials who have received the NoL have stepped down from their positions.
Whereas petitions, protesting in the streets, attending public hearings, costly class action lawsuits, hiring attorneys, or writing letters has had little to no effect, the NoL has had demonstrable successes. These amount to many moving parts and moving targets, all of which the InPower staff is carefully monitoring.
All of the people in the initial Seattle group kept their analogue meters. In other cities where we had seed groups, what happened was much the same, with multiple cases of Respondents (officials) stepping down.
On a wider scale, it is hard to document the past successes, since so many people across the country have been serving the NoL without notifying us or seeking support. From those who do contact us, we learn that many people who have taken pro-active measures with the NoL have been able to keep the smart meters off. Some are paying opt-out fees, and some are not.
Here are some early success examples:
• On January 30, 2015, Brett Hodson, the CEO of Corix Utilities (the installer of smart meters in British Columbia), received more than 100 Notices of Liability from people in Kelowna. On February 4th, he received a separate Notice of Default. On the same day, he resigned from office.
• The NoL process was also sent to Len Kelsey, the chair of the BC Utilities Commission. In late 2015 he quietly resigned.
• After being defaulted by just 21 people, three of the nine Seattle City Council members (Sally Clark, Tom Rasmussen, and Nick Licata) announced that they would not be seeking re-election—including one who resigned before her term was finished.
• On March 13th, Jorge Carrasco, the defaulted CEO of Seattle City Light (the 10th largest public utility in the nation), announced his resignation.
• After being defaulted by another 21 individuals, the Michigan attorney general began calling for a free opt-out.
• Four of the eight Michigan Public Services Commission officers being held liable are no longer listed on the Commission’s web site.
• David Greim, a city attorney in Warren, Michigan also resigned, but not before sending a letter to one of the claimants stating that the utility had a budget of $21 million set aside for paying off state legislators.
To learn more, and to view our collection of more recent success stories, become a member of the InPower Community at

Does it matter where I live when utilizing the NoL?
NoL templates are available in a growing number of countries for some or all of our causes. You can only use the NoLs that are available within your own country. If there is not an NoL for your country, we welcome you to join our community so that you can explore the process and consider helping to adapt the NoL to your country.
If you would like to learn more while helping to contribute to the resources needed to accommodate the development of NoLs specific to a large number of countries, please consider joining our community:

Can I use the InPower Notice of Liability in court?
No, Notices of Liability are private contractual negotiations and should not enter the public domain. You cannot use the InPower Notice of Liability process in any court proceeding, including using it for the same, or a similar, cause of harm if you already have an active and ongoing court proceeding on the same cause. You are also not permitted to send the Notice of Liability to any of the same men and women that you are currently in any court proceedings with, or if you are in proceedings in any other venue (i.e., commission hearings, worker’s compensation disputes, mediation, etc.). You must keep the InPower Notice of Liability process completely separate from other venues.

How much time will it take to move through the NoL process?
The Notice of Liability (NoL) is a framework of grace and timing. A highly motivated man or woman can complete the first three rounds of the NoL in as few as two months to establish a contract and be able to move on to the billing stage.
Please join the InPower Community platform to meet others and start your process:

How much will it cost to go through the NoL process?
As the Notice of Liability (NoL) documents are accessible by membership only, the cost begins with a USD $150 per year donation. We also have a monthly option available at USD $15 per month. Both options give you all of the benefits of membership, including access to all notices and bills of the NoL process for any causes available for your country.
After the documents of each round are emailed to you in PDF format, you will need to print them, make copies, and pay for notary services (required for rounds with affidavits) and postage (including mail with delivery confirmation).
Notaries are quite inexpensive in the USA (usually $1 - $10), and their services can often be found for free (making it fairly easy for the documents of all rounds to be notarized, which is what we recommend). However, in other countries, notaries can be more expensive. Depending on your country’s options, you can use a Justice of the Peace or a Commissioner of Oaths as an alternative to a notary.
While the prices for all of these costs vary from country to country, if your NoL is sent with a group using the same notary and/or sending to the same Respondents, the costs can be reduced considerably.

Can I use or modify the NoL template that I downloaded when it was posted on your website?
The only way to access InPower's Notice of Liability (NoL) documents is with the semi-automated document creator available through our membership site. InPower will only support these documents.
Each InPower NoL document set is a carefully considered and balanced whole, and none are designed to be modified or used elsewhere.
We only support unchanged NoLs that you generate from our document creator. We cannot and will not be responsible for or provide any support for altered NoLs. Many of the text documents floating around the internet have been altered. Any changes to the NoL documents may cause unintended harm to your rights or standing.

I began the NoL process before the document creator was available. Do I need to become a member to continue the process?
Yes. InPower can only support InPower members. To access all rounds of the Notice of Liability (NoL), you must use our document creator, which is available only to those with a current membership.
The document creator ensures that your documents are accurately and securely recorded, and keeps track of all recipients of the NoL.
If you began the NoL process using the document(s) that you downloaded before the document creator was available, it will benefit you to become a member so that you can access the remaining rounds, use the automatic billing tool, and enjoy full support from the InPower team and community.
Once you are a member, you will be able to enter your data into the document creator using the documents from all of your previous rounds. After you have entered each round in order, you will be able to go forward with the rounds that you have not yet sent.
As a member of the InPower Community, you will also have access to a wealth of educational materials and a way to network with others in your area.
To join, visit

What are the benefits of joining the InPower Community platform?
Apart from gaining support in sending your notices, there is an abundance of information in the InPower Community site. All members gain access to thousands of hours of fascinating content on topics like commercial law and spiritual connections to current world events.
The community of like-minded men and women is also a great place to discuss a wide range of subjects with others, and where you are able to find and connect with others in your local area. There are weekly live meetings for all members, accommodating various time zones all over the world, where you can find answers to all kinds of questions and always learn something new.

How do I become an InPower member?
To become a member of the InPower Community platform, please go to
A USD $150 per year (or USD $15 per month) donation is required to join.
Your donation is needed to maintain our websites, security, and programming. Currently, all InPower staff are unpaid volunteers.
As a member, you will have access to the community website where you will be able to connect with others in your area, explore the growing body of educational materials, and begin your Notice of Liability process using our automated document creator.
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