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Our Causes
Our community members have expressed concerns about super technology and other interventions that claim to progress society forward as a whole, but that also carry tangible risks that affect the health and safety of our homes, and often for the sake of profit. Please learn more about our causes below and subscribe for updates.

5G Technology
As wireless technology improves from a data transmission standpoint, the amount of radiation exposure to people and pets also increases. While it may seem that you cannot control the installation of these high-powered transmitters, communities are banding together to halt 5G rollouts and reduce their exposure.

Smart Meters
Smart communities have been saying no to smart meters. Whether you are concerned about safety, privacy, or your overall health, you have the right to decline or replace a smart meter on your home, apartment, or office building. This was our first cause and has some of the highest level of interest worldwide, with a number of success stories.

Doctors, nurses, and parents want safe vaccines and better health outcomes for their communities. But regardless of whether you have ethical or religious-based concerns over vaccine ingredients or development, the ever-increasing number of vaccines on the childhood schedule—more than 80 doses in the United States—or you are facing workplace vaccine mandates, you should have a choice.

You Are Not Alone
InPower Is a Worldwide Movement
Our community is growing day-by-day in cities and small towns, across the Earth. Learn more about our movement and watch a special message from Cal Washington, CEO and Co-Founder of InPower.

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